October 31st, Paris

Hi frengers I am taking a few days off in the lovely city of Paris. I just wanted to tell you about our experience of playing at the Student Festival in Coimbra a few days ago; it was marvellous! There must have been about 5,000 people there, the tent was packed! And such a warm welcome we got too! It felt really magical to me, there was definetely a very close connection with the audience. I hope the people there felt that way too! Thanks to any frengers that might have been present! And thanks also to the Danish frengers waving the flag, it’s good to get some support from home.

What else have we been up to…? Hmmm…. let me see…. we have mostly been writing new stuff and found new and different ways of getting inspired. Also, the Ledge single is being released soon which I am very happy about, I hope all of our frengers will find it to their liking! It is a very sad song but it has a sentiment of hope in the ending. They are building a microsite on the web which comes with the DVD version of the single, there’s gonna be something on there which I have been working on for some time now. But best not reveal what it is yet.

Well the band are currently completely separated over 4 countries (just for a few days) so guys, if any of you read this here’s a friendly hello from your lead singer, enjoy your holiday!!

And to all of our frengers: thanks for our continuing support and hope to see you at a concert near you soon!

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