Anyone going to the Japanese shows? I'd like to meet up with some people in front of Tsutaya O-East... Mewの東京公演Tsutaya O-Eastに行く人はいますか?そして、そこで私と会いたい人はいませんか?
Mew will be performing as part of the GAFFA Prize awards program on Saturday, March 11, 2017. The show will be broadcast on channel DR3 from 8-10PM Danish […] View full conversation
What Visuals track or tracks do you like most? I really like Seeker Shivers the best.
Hello all! I've been chatting with Ann (@webmaster of MewX) about replacing the fiddly MewX-hosted IRC chat room with a Facebook-hosted public chat room in Facebook Messenger, or at least using that for a listening […] View full conversation
What's everyone's thoughts on the new tracks so far then? Are you excited for the album? I'm liking the pop sensibilities and the general structure to the songs. Also enjoying the use of synths thus far. I […] View full conversation
Found my old Mew t-shirts from 2005. Size S/M children size. Fits better than ever. Mew
Celebrated the comeback of Captain Woolheart by listening to all of their albums on June 15th! <3
@jean3rd gracias por agregar, saludos!
I basically made an account to snatch my regular internet username which I hoard on every site I'm on and it's UdaPruda. I don't even know how to pronounce it.
My dead angel:) tumblr_mwiyi07exn1qgl8z9o1_1280