About MewX
Launched in June 2006, MewX.info is the leading fansite for the Danish indie band Mew. Approved by the band, this website (currently at version 5) is constantly reviewing live shows and bringing you first-hand news.

The Team

Silje Dahl Osnes, Dabo De Lira, Érika Giusti, Gus Greijer, Pete Heikkilä, Herman Kittilsen Hulleberg, Jesper Karmark, Taavet Kelle, Agata Kłusak, Luna Bossemeier Knudsen, Meishi Koon, Andy Kres, J.J. Lundy, Sari Markus, Mamet Mumeti, Petra Němečková, Niklas Nyborg, Philip Bo Pedersen, Stefano Perfili, Mark Prahinog Nielsen, Dita Rachma, Ainur Rasyidah, Emilie Retzius, Lizethe Rivera, Alyssa Schei Nilsen, Edward Trethowan, Frederik Voss, Emi Wakatsuki, Ally Winford

Join Us!
Join Us!
We are always looking for exceptional people who share our love for Mew. If you wish to contribute making this website better, please contact our editor-in-chief. MewX.info is a global website with contributors from all over the world. Our site is currently hosted in the USA.
Tero Heikkinen, Editor-in-Chief
email: admin (at) mewx.info
tel: (+358) 45 11 22 99 1 (Finland)

We’ve been working hard to maintain this website for years and we hope that you've appreciated our efforts. Feel free to donate by clicking the button below. Please note that the donation will not go to the band, but to the people who run this fansite. Thank you!